If you haven’t met Ryan Jackson yet, get ready for a burst of enthusiasm. That’s what the new Mount Pleasant High School principal brings to the table, and it’s infectious. Jackson, who joins MPHS after a stint at Maplewood High School in Nashville, also brings a proven plan to foster creativity and tailor the learning experience to each individual student. …
Maury County’s Grass is Greener, Even in the Summertime
The #GrowMaury Initiative’s slogan is “The grass is greener where you water it.” There’s tons of watering taking place in Maury County, even in these hot summer months! At Central High School, 81 students earned college credit by making a score of 3 or above on Advanced Placement tests this year, and one student earned a 36 on a category …
Maury County 5th in State for investment growth
By JAY POWELL and KARA COLEMAN The Daily Herald Maury County’s consistent success with annual growth has earned it the title of fifth most in-demand county in Tennessee for investments and new businesses, according to a study by SmartAsset. Although last year’s results ranked Maury County as third fastest growing, that doesn’t mean its progress has slowed down, Maury County …
Leaders Break Ground on Cherry Glen Speculative Building
By MIKE CHRISTEN mchristen@c-dh.net MT. PLEASANT — Community leaders and residents gathered at Cherry Glen Industrial Park to celebrate the groundbreaking of the complex’s 50,000 square foot speculative facility. A joint venture between Maury County, the Mt. Pleasant Power System, the City of Mt. Pleasant and the Tennessee Valley Authority, the building will be constructed using tax payer dollars with …
Students take hands on tour of GM
By MIKE CHRISTEN mchristen@c-dh.net SPRING HILL — General Motors opened its doors to Middle Tennessee’s youth this week inviting them to tour the facility and experience the same hands-on training new employees receive before joining the assembly line. During the four-day “Go Tech” Advanced Manufacturing Academy, students and recent high school graduates received an extended tour of the 6.9 million …
Maury County teachers learn new lessons
By MIKE CHRISTEN mchristen@c-dh.net SPRING HILL — Middle Tennessee science teachers were hard at work last week learning new attention-grabbing experiments during an American Society for Metals Materials Camp at the Northfield Workforce Development and Conference Center. Stepping into the shoes of their own students, the teachers listened to lectures and took part in experiments all related to material science, …
Your business can impact schools
Columbia, TENN. – Maury County Businesses Provide Donations, Volunteer Hours and Workforce Training Opportunities for Students As the #GrowMaury education campaign takes hold throughout Maury County, many area businesses are making active investments in learning, a survey shows. Several of the county’s most prominent companies and business leaders are entrenching themselves in the education landscape in order to prepare students …
School Board Candidate Questionnaire and Responses
Read the full Candidate Responses here
James Bennett column: Tile plant fires up production in Mt. Pleasant
By James Bennett jbennett@c-dh.net When Landmark Ceramics CEO Federico Curioni decided on Mt. Pleasant as location of the Italian company’s North America headquarters, he weighed dozens of factors, from the availability of land to the presence of a qualified workforce. The acquisition of 96 acres of land at 1433 N. Main St. — near the Maury County Regional Airport off …
Cherry Glen Industrial Park ready for construction
By MIKE CHRISTEN mchristen@c-dh.net The Maury County Industrial Development Board has approved construction of a 50,000 square foot speculative facility at Cherry Glen Industrial Park. During the board’s Monday meeting, the $1,050,000 bid was awarded to Brad Slater Construction, LLC of Leoma, Tenn. “This is a way for us to stimulate the region and bring more jobs into Maury County,” …