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Director of schools to join Twitter chat

Special to The Daily Herald Tennessee Promise has students thinking about college, but many of these students and their parents also have questions about how it all will work. The Maury County Chamber and Economic Alliance and Maury County Public Schools are hoping to alleviate worries for the county’s next generation of high school graduates by hosting a Twitter chat …

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Mt. Pleasant’s UST Inc. introduces itself

By MIKE CHRISTEN More than 500 people gathered at Columbia State Community College’s Cherry Theater for Saturday’s special meet-and-greet event hosted by UST Inc., the county’s first large-scale high-end porcelain tile manufacturer. Attendants were first greeted by the company’s Human Resources Manager Julie Love, who thanked all for their interest in the company and presented a short video introducing …

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Maury County School System takes notes from public

By MIKE CHRISTEN The Maury County school system began a season-long survey by launching its “MCPS Keys to College and Career Readiness” program last week with the goal of bringing a brighter future to the county’s students. From October until Dec. 10, the school system is conducting a survey that solicits input from all of Maury County’s citizens. “You …

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JOBS! GM will accept online applications

By JAMES BENNETT The GM Spring Hill Manufacturing Plant will begin accepting applications for new hourly positions at 8 a.m. Wednesday, spokesperson Kristy Bergstrom said Monday. Applications for entry-level jobs will be accepted online at, Bergstrom said. “This website is the only way to apply for GM Spring Hill hourly positions and requires a valid email address for …

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#GrowMaury Newsletter, Vol. 2

A LETTER FROM DR. CHRIS MARCZAK, DIRECTOR OF MAURY COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS I am honored to live, work and play in Maury County and am proud to be both the director of schools and a parent to four Maury County students. As a competitive school system, we offer exciting activities in which students can participate, both during and after school …

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Marczak pens contract as new schools director

By TIM HODGE Chris Marczak officially became Maury County’s new director of schools after he signed a four-year contract Thursday. Marczak will have an annual salary of $175,000. He made the move during a school board meeting at the Horace O. Porter school in Columbia. Marczak begins his first day Friday morning. The board approved Marczak as the new …

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Parental involvement is critical to education

By KATHERINE LEWIS When it comes to making decisions about our children’s education, we want to provide them with the best opportunities possible so they may reach their fullest potential. Many people believe these opportunities lie within private schools or certain school districts, but it all depends on what you, as a parent, put into your child’s education. Maury County …

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Survey: Educators optimistic

A majority of Maury County educators believe there is much opportunity for the school system in the next five years, according to a recent survey. More than half of those surveyed feel there are still some challenges that need addressing. Teachers and principals completed the poll to help develop Maury County Chamber and Economic Alliance’s campaign, “The Grass is Greener …

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Q & A: Maury County Director of Schools Chris Marczak

Chris Marczak is mid-stride in his first week as Maury County director of schools, and The Daily Herald sat down with him to discuss the position and taking over a new district. He officially signed a four-year contract on Aug. 13, and began his first day the following Friday — which proved to be an eventful day. An automated threat …

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Mayor’s Lunch brings hope for county’s future

If there is one thing Maury County leaders can agree on, it is that the county has a bright future and opportunities for growth. The first Mayor’s Lunch was held at Farm Bureau Insurance Tuesday, which included speeches from Mayor Dean Dickey representing Columbia, Bethany Lay, wife of Spring Hill City Administrator Victor Lay, and Interim City Manager Mark Henderson …