Maury County retired teachers meet

The Maury County Retired Teachers Association met in the social hall of St. Catherine Catholic Church at 10:30 a.m. on Thursday, Sept. 10, 2015 for a catered luncheon. Vernon Brooks gave a very inspiring devotional. Susie Boshers, MCTRA President, welcomed the members and introduced the speakers, Tom Grosco and Drew Parker of Maury Alliance. They gave a program on “The Grass is Greener Where You Water It,” which is the campaign to promote Maury County Public Schools. This campaign involves engaging the business community to make our county the most pro-education community it can be. Better support of children in our public schools will improve outcomes for every student and will help Maury County reach its greatest potential. Yard signs for the “Grass is Greener” campaign were distributed.

Jerry Winters, Chief Lobbyist for the Tennessee Retired Teachers Association, emphasized the importance of membership and gave us an update on the status of education in Tennessee. His first priority is to protect the retirement system so that teachers will not lose benefits. He noted that new teachers are moving from a defined benefit plan to a defined contribution plan, such as a 401K, which is heavily dependent on the stock market. He emphasized that when a teacher retires from the school system, he or she does not retire from politics. We need to stay informed and involved in the political process and let our legislators know how important public education is to the future lives of all students and our community.

Eloise Jones read the minutes of the last meeting, and Margaret Pickle gave the treasurer’s report. The meeting adjourned.

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