It’s not often that you see a quadruple crown winner but SmartAsset has released its 2024 findings and Maury County ranks #1 in all four Incoming Investment Categories for the State of Tennessee. The categories include: Business Growth, GDP growth, New Building Permits, and Incoming Investment. Maury County also ranked #3 in Incoming Investment and #7 in Business Growth nationally. There are over 3,000 counties in the United States. SmartAsset methodology looks at change over a three-year period which demonstrates sustained performance. Further details on methodology used to determine results can be found below and a link to the report with an interactive map can be found here.
“The smartasset report findings serve as a capstone to ten years of sustained growth for Maury County. It is important to note that results like this would not be possible without teamwork and the strong local, regional, state, and TVA economic development partnerships that have been developed. We are proud of Maury County’s economic performance and the positive benefits it has delivered broadly across the local economy. That said, we are even more excited for what’s still to come for Maury County as we transition the focus of our local economic development efforts from community growth to community enhancement. Maury County is a great place to live and do business and that is getting truer every day,” said, Travis Groth, Vice President for Economic Development at the Maury County Chamber & Economic Alliance.

SmartAsset Methodology
This study identifies the places across the U.S. which are receiving the most incoming investment. The study measures investment in counties across three metrics: business establishment growth, gross domestic product (GDP) growth and new building permits. We looked at the change in the number of businesses established in each location over a 3-year period. This shows whether or not people are starting new business ventures in the county. The second factor we looked at was GDP growth. We used real growth (inflation adjusted) in the local economy. We also looked at investment and development in the local residential real estate market. To measure this real estate growth, we calculated the number of new building permits per 1,000 homes. We scored every county in our study on these three factors. We then combined those scores to create a final ranking of counties. With that ranking, we created an index where the county with the most incoming investments was assigned a value of 100 and the county with the least investment activity received a zero.
Sources: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey, U.S. Bureau Economic Analysis, U.S. Census Bureau Building Permits Survey
About Maury Alliance
Serving the cities of Columbia, Mount Pleasant and Spring Hill as the leading voice for business and industry in the community, Maury Alliance provides programs, networking opportunities, advocacy, and support for business professionals. Maury Alliance is focused on growing business and economic opportunities in Maury County by providing expertise, resources, support, and vision for new and existing businesses. For more information, visit