Analyzing the State of Education in Maury County

Insights from the 2024 Education Report

The Maury County Chamber and Economic Alliance recently hosted our annual education lunch panel to discuss the newly released Education Report for the 2022-2023 academic year, providing an overview of the current state of K-12 education in Maury County. The panel featured key educational leaders, including Lisa Ventura, Superintendent of Maury County Public Schools (MCPS); Amy Roberts, Career & Technical Education Supervisor; Michelle Gilbert, MCPS Director of Teaching, Learning & Assessment; and Doug Lukonen, Maury County Finance Director. Each panelist offered valuable insights into their respective departments and the data presented in the report.

Why We Created the Education Report

Over the past few years, our Chamber membership has consistently identified improving K-12 education as a top priority. To make meaningful improvements, it is crucial to understand where we currently stand. The 2024 Education Report is designed to be a starting point, offering a non-biased resource that aggregates publicly available data into a single, easy-to-review document. While this report provides a snapshot of our public education system, it is by no means exhaustive. Instead, it serves as a foundation for comparing our system to others across the state, helping us identify areas for growth and celebrate successes.

Key Data Sets and Trendlines

The report presents data across four primary categories: Students, Operations, Staff, and Annual Budget. Here’s a summary of the major highlights:

1. Student Demographics and Academics:

  • Demographics: The county has seen a slight increase in average daily attendance over the past five years, with a 3% rise. There has also been a decrease in the economically disadvantaged population, which is a positive trend.
  • Absenteeism: The report shows a rise in absenteeism, which has increased steadily over the last five years.
  • Academic Performance: On the academic front, the report reveals a mixed bag. While there has been a consistent decline in ACT scores and the percentage of students scoring above 21 on the ACT, there has been a notable increase in proficiency in English Language Arts (ELA), Math, Social Studies, and Science. The science proficiency, although showing improvement, is still down from the five-year trend.

2. Operations and Staff:

  • Teacher Count: The number of teachers has rebounded to pre-pandemic levels, which is a positive sign. However, the report also highlights the importance of maintaining an experienced teaching workforce, noting that 79.3% of the current teaching staff has three or more years of experience.
  • Student-Teacher Ratio: The student-teacher ratio has remained stable, with a current district-wide average ratio of 14:1.
  • Budget: Over the past five years, the annual budget has increased by 28%, a reflection of the growing investment in our education system. Interestingly, despite this increase, the percentage of the county’s total debt dedicated to school facilities has decreased.

Data Sources and Methodology

The data in this report was sourced from the Tennessee Department of Education and the Maury County Office of Financial Management. These sources provide a reliable foundation for the insights and trends outlined in the report, ensuring that our analysis is grounded in accurate and publicly available information.

Panelists’ Responses and Insights

Following the presentation of the report, each panelist had the opportunity to respond to the data. Superintendent Lisa Ventura expressed concern over the rise in absenteeism and outlined plans to address this issue. Finance Director, Doug Lukonen, provided an overview of the changes in the MCPS budget over the last five years, highlighting how the recent TISA funding changes have impacted the budget.

In Conclusion, the 2024 Education Report is a vital tool for understanding the current state of K-12 education in Maury County. It not only highlights areas of concern but also showcases the progress being made. By continuing to monitor these trends and engage with key stakeholders, we can work towards improving the educational outcomes for all students in our community.

For those interested in learning more about the report, click here.