Where the talent comes to you.
- In 2020 TN was the #1 most moved to state in the U.S. and Maury County was the fastest growing county in TN.
- The Nashville region gains an average of 81 new residents each day.
- Maury County has experienced a 19% growth over the past 10 years.

Maury County Labor Market Area
Large Labor Force
830,000+ PeopleHigh Education Attainment
44% Associate Degree or HigherActive Talent Pool
80.96% Prime Age Labor Participation RateRequest labor & wage data
Align Maury
Building Tomorrow's Talent TodayWe partnered with Boyette in 2020 to launch a workforce alignment study for Maury County, Tennessee. This study, an employer-centered workforce development and talent pipeline enhancement initiative, characterized Maury County's workforce assets and labor market competitiveness. We have now moved into the implementation phase.
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Training and Education
Maury County is home to the nation's first K-12 STEAM campus. We also have a vibrant community wide Mechatronics program. Through the Mechatronics program, which is a collaboration between Columbia State and Maury County Public Schools, students have the opportunity to earn their high school diploma, a technical certificate and an Associate of Applied Science degree in Engineering Systems Technology at the same time.
With unique, hybrid educational and training facilities, Maury County provides individual and businesses instructional support for a skilled workforce.

Building Tomorrow's Talent Today.
Our geographical advantages and talent pool are compelling reasons to grow your business in Maury County
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